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AdsFix V6_28.10.19.1

AdsFix, destiné aux techniciens et aux utilisateurs expérimentés, est conçu pour désinfecter les raccourcis infectés par la barre d’outils de recherche certifiée, 22Find, awesomehp, nation-zoom, etc. Pour les techniciens et les utilisateurs avancés uniquement. AdsFix peut également supprimer certains logiciels de publicité, pirates de l'air, infections du navigateur, supprimer des fichiers / dossiers, des exceptions de registre dans le Pare-feu Windows et réinitialiser les pages d'accueil de vos navigateurs.
1 min read

Author: @Toolslib
Size: 5.88 MB+
License: Freeware
Requires: All Windows

[tab] [content title="Description Français"]AdsFix, for techs and advanced users, is designed to disinfect the shortcuts infected by certified-search-toolbar, 22Find, awesomehp, nation-zoom and others. For techs and advanced users only.

AdsFix can also remove some adware, hijackers, browser infections, delete files/folders, registry exceptions in Windows Firewall, and reset your browsers' homepages.

We are giving you fair warning that this is not to be run by the average user.

You need to be comfortable installing a security certificate, running as admin, and being able to disable Windows Defender. After all of that, you still need an advanced understanding of computers. It is time-consuming, taking 30 minutes on a high-end machine. We also had no luck getting it to stop scanning by closing the program with the X in the corner or using the Exit button. You've been warned.

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  • Author: @Toolslib Size: 5.88 MB+ License: Freeware Requires: All Windows [tab] [content title="Description Français"]AdsFix, for techs and advanced user…

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